What is it?

When I first started coaching athletes, the moniker "BTR" was about identifying types of training namely Bike-Tri-Run. But it is so much more than that and over the years, those three letters have taken on a deeper meaning to all BTR athletes and to me. 

Simply put, BTR is about the ability to #beBTR each day. No matter the challenge or the goal, individuals train and have a desire to develop each day. As people, we want to improve. Maybe that means becoming a better athlete, partner, student or employee . It could be a different "better" for all of us but in the end, we all want to succeed. That is what training is about - the challenge and desire to beBTR each day.  

Bravery. Triumph. Resiliency. These are the core values I hold throughout the coaching process. Training and racing are not easy. But the knowledge that you can pursue your goals, overcome obstacles, and push yourself to new heights develops confidence that transcends sports. These three pillars will help lead you there. 


What is bravery? It is the unwavering courage to face challenges with calm confidence, strength, and conviction in your abilities. You've heard it before and it still applies here - bravery is not the absence of fear. It is recognizing the challenges and still continuing, inspiring others to embrace challenges and reach new heights. 


Exhilarating. Excitement. Energizing. These are all emotions of triumph. Your bravery and resiliency will help shape the path to your achievements. Whether crossing the finish line first, crossing your first finish line, or achieving a long sought-after goal, triumph is the sweet reward of your relentless dedication and efforts. It is the embodiment of your resiliency in the face of adversity. 


Resiliency is about taking bold steps and standing up against the challenges that face you each day. Training represents a journey of self-reflection. Resiliency is about the unwavering belief in your ability to grow and overcome obstacles as you develop into a better version of yourself. Through each stepping stone and mini-goal, you create an aura of positivity and self-belief in future potential.

When you allow yourself to stumble and falter, you open the door to grow. BeBTR and see how high you can fly.